our history
We’ve been building a better West End for over 50 years—and we’re not stopping anytime soon.
For over 50 years, West Elmwood has been working towards a healthier, happier, and more successful future for the residents of Providence’s West End. From our first small steps to building affordable apartments, we’re just as excited for the next 50 years.
In 2020, we celebrated our 50th anniversary. To mark this half-century of community impact, we looked back on everything West Elmwood has accomplished in our effort to build a better West End.
The Community Pillar Award recognizes four pillars of the community—a local business, a nonprofit, a youth, and a member of WEHDC’s Board—who have shown unwavering commitment to the West End neighborhood.
Tropical Liquors
Southside Community
Land Trust
Carol Davis
The Joe Cardoza Unsung Hero Award honors a member of our community for doing things that others would not do, could not do, or did not find time to do to make the West End a better neighborhood. This year, the Joe Cardoza Unsung Hero Award nomination process was open to public voting to determine the awardee.
Councilman Taylor